Max Announced on His YouTube Channel MaxiAspie today that The Autism Connections Season 4 will be airing this week alongside National Autistic Acceptance Week! This Year will keep last years format of 6 guests and half of the series will be filmed online and the other half of the series will be in person interviews!
Max said "I Still feel the format works and would love to get to the stage where If I had the money I could build my own little studio and do this weekly but one can dream!"
Max announced the following Guests for The Autism Connections Season 4
Vanessa Anderson - In Person Interview

About Vanessa Anderson
Vanessa Anderson was my TA when Max was in primary school. She made a massive impact on Max's life and after 16 years of wondering what she was up to they reconnected 2 years ago and haven’t looked back.
Social Media
Dr Jeremy Tuday - In Person Interview

About Dr Jeremy Tudway
Dr Jeremy Tudway is a Clinical Director at Dimensions UK.
Social Media
Twitter -
Aimee Laming - In Person Interview

About Aimee Laming
Aimee is a Speech and Language Therapist who currently works at a school supporting who are Autistic and have other conditions. Aimee has been working with children and young teens who are autistic for over 20 years as well as seeing children with a range of speech and language needs.
Social Media
Website -
Barney Angliss - Online Interview

About Barney Angliss
Barney is a SEND Advisor | Trainer | Speaker | Researcher who was Diagnosed with Asperger’s when he was 49.
Social Media
Neil Barbour - Online Interview

About Neil Barbour
Neil is an ITV Journalist and creator of the Podcast Daisy and Me. Neil is the father of Daisy who is Autistic and non verbal.
Social Media
Twitter -
Twitter Daisy and Me -
Marc Crawley - Online Interview

About Marc Crawley
He is the Director of Diversita. In his Role at Diversita He Works with Neurodivergent Tech Professionals to find the right Role while Assisting organisations to focus on Neurodiversity in their Tech recruitment.
Social Media
Website -
Instagram -
Twitter -
This Series has another great line up and we can't wait for the episodes to be released!
They will be coming to you everyday from tomorrow March 27th, with the last episode on the 1st of April!
The Announcement can be seen below!